Monday, August 15, 2011

Quiz #1

I am against the decision that requires medical marijuana dispensaries in the City of Los Angeles to be at least 1,000 feet from places where children congregate, such as schools, parks and libraries. I support the statement by the given map. The star represents most types of the schools including elementary school, middle school, Junior and Senior High school but excluding colleges and universities. The green polygon represents the park location or area in the city of Los Angeles. The triangle represents the location of the library and the circle represents the location of dispensaries location that is allowed to operate according to the L.A. City Attorney.  Under the Los Angeles medical marijuana ordinance, only those dispensaries that registered with the city by Nov. 13, 2007, will be allowed to operate. I particularly focus on the location of both library and schools because there will be most numbers of children in the two locations. As shown on the map, the schools and libraries have the 1000 feet buffer. Of the 39 dispensaries that are mapped, there are around 12 of the dispensaries are completely located in the 1000 feet buffer.   What does this tell us? That means almost half of the dispensaries are located within 1000 feet buffer. These dispensaries have to find another place for relocation. These may cause a lot of economic problems for the dispensaries because they may have to consider about the rent and relocation fee and it would be unfair for some of the dispensaries.  It is because they are not “purposely” open or locate their dispensaries that are closed to school, libraries or even children. This causes more problems because dispensaries are also important in the community.I am strongly against that because it would be the choice of the children to get into these dispensaries but not because of moving further away to these locations that can fix the problems.
There is another map showing the dispensaries that are within 700 feet buffer of schools and libraries. I think for those super close to the schools and libraries. I consider 700 feet as a super close distance because it would be a normal walking distance for the children in my point of view. Those dispensaries that are within 700 feet should be relocated because children may get to these dispensaries really easily.  It is very important to limit the access of children to dispensaries because they can be really easily to get the drugs and medicines. It is needed to ask those dispensaries which are close to these children "concentrated" places to relocate to some places. The big issue on that will be dispensaries are not only used by children but also adults. It may cause a lot of problems as well especially in the community level because adults have to go further way to look for dispensaries. I have a suggestion that it should limit the distance between each dispensaries so it won't be too many or too concentrated number of stores in one location but then local people are still happy with that because they can still reach the dispensaries.

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