- China, India, USA, Indonesia, Russia, Brazil, Pakistan, Japan, Bangladesh, Nigeria. Select by attribute from cntry02 layer, type in query “POP_CNTRY” and get unique value. Get from the highest one and to the 10th.
- 15 rivers in Amazon. Open the attribute table in rivers layer, select by attribute, enter query system="amazon".
- 61 cities
- 516500000
- The most populous landlocked country is Vatican City and the least populous landlocked country is Ethiopia. Open the attribute table in cntry02 layer, select by attribute, enter query landlocked=’Y’ and then Popcntry<=5000 on least populous and >=5000000 on most populous to see the result.
6. 6. Poland, Czech Republic,Slovakia,Austria,Slovenia,Hungary,Romania,Croatia,Bosnia & Herzegovina, Yugoslovia
- Libya, Niger, Sudan, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Cameroon. Selected Attribute using query CNTRY_NAME=’Chad’ found out which country share the common border on the map. Select by location and using the selected features touch the boundary of the source layer to find the answer.
- Russia, United States, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam.
- There is a build in function called calculate the geometry in the attribute table. First, select attribute to locate where the country of Sudan is, then select attribute by location to locate the river inside the country of Sudan. I wonder if I can use the calculate the geometry in the attribute table to actually calculate the length of the river.
- First, I join the table in lakes and country layer. I opened the attribute table, trying to use the build in function of field calculator, but it didn't work for me on several times. I know I need to use the field calculator to choose several of the countries.
- Again, I joined the table in lakes and country layer. I opened the attribute table, trying to use the build in function of field calculator and entering the query of equation to calculate the total area of lakes because there is a field with area. I know I need to put an equation in the field calculator to calculate the total area of lakes.
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